Tuesday, October 22, 2024

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Pain Management Blog

As more patients are getting and recovering from COVID, we are learning more and more about the symptoms. It is of increasing interest to follow symptoms that linger for weeks and months without knowing a lot about the long-term effects of the virus. Republic Pain Specialists are especially interested in helping patients who are struggling with residual pain and long-lasting issues that our clinic can specifically treat.
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Republic Pain Specialist owner, David Gaskin, CRNA, NSPM-C, CPT USAR, was featured on KBTX.com to discuss how the Stellate Ganglion Block (performed at Republic Pain Specialists in Bryan, Texas) can reduce many of the long-term symptoms of COVID-19.
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Your knees do an awful lot for your body. Between helping bear the load of the rest of your body, helping move you in any direction, and acting as a hinge for a lot of movement you perform without even thinking twice, your knees have a good chance of getting hurt at some time or another. If you are one of our patients with chronic knee pain, you may fully understand how much your knees do since you are likely to feel pain with many of these simple tasks. Republic Pain Specialists have a number o...
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Republic Pain Specialists is devoted to providing a number of different pain management solutions to our patients and community. We understand that no pain looks the same and, because of that, no treatment plan should look the same. By becoming informed in new practices and techniques and working with other professionals who are devoted to avoiding opioid based solutions, we give our patients the best outcome. Steroid injections are among the treatment options we can offer, but not in every case...
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Just like no patient is the same, a patient’s pain in regards to source, type, and magnitude is not the same from anyone else’s either. Our team at Republic Pain Specialists understands the pain our patients are experiencing is completely unique to them. This applies for spinal disc problems and the pain that can come with these problems. Your spinal column carries a lot of weight and pressure, literally, and when the discs between each segment of the spine start to lose strength, you could be...
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Chronic pain can come from a number of different issues, concerns, and triggers. Each patient is different and the reason they are experiencing pain can by completely unique. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can cause chronic pain in addition to all of the other related concerns. Republic Pain Specialists can help provide some relief from the pain you are experiencing.
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Our belief that pain management can be tailored for better outcomes and better relief is a large part of what we do. Another vital aspect of our work is the commitment to finding non-opioid forms of pain relief to avoid the problems, both short and long term, that come with overuse of opioids. While we are committed to non-opioid recommendations for pain relief, the options are still out there.
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There are a number of internal reasons you may be experiencing neck pain. Over time the discs in your spinal column can develop a lot of issues. They may lose height or flexibility, there could be tears or leaks that cause inflammation around the nerves. If you are having neck pain, you want relief, which Republic Pain Specialists can provide.
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Maybe you know someone with Multiple sclerosis, or MS, as it is often called. Maybe you have read about it at some point. Whatever the case, unless you or a close family member has a diagnosis, you may have a lot of questions. Or maybe you recently learned it was a possibility for yourself and you want to know a little more about how to manage your pain. Republic Pain Specialists have the information and pain solutions you are looking for.
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Being able to pinpoint your pain is key to what we do at Republic Pain Services. This isn’t just in relation to where you are feeling pain in or on your body, but also how it feels, how intense it is, and where it may be stemming from. By giving you more information about different types of pain, we can help you communicate better which allows us to treat you and get rid of as much of that pain as possible.
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