Tuesday, October 22, 2024

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Pain Management Blog

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Republic Pain Specialists is devoted to providing a number of different pain management solutions to our patients and community. We understand that no pain looks the same and, because of that, no treatment plan should look the same. By becoming informed in new practices and techniques and working with other professionals who are devoted to avoiding opioid based solutions, we give our patients the best outcome. Steroid injections are among the treatment options we can offer, but not in every case...
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Being able to pinpoint your pain is key to what we do at Republic Pain Services. This isn’t just in relation to where you are feeling pain in or on your body, but also how it feels, how intense it is, and where it may be stemming from. By giving you more information about different types of pain, we can help you communicate better which allows us to treat you and get rid of as much of that pain as possible.
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Providing pain solutions for patients is what our clinic at Republic Pain Specialists works for. What’s more, with each pain management program we help create, we are reducing the number of opioid prescriptions that get issued each year. There are times we interact with patients who are already dealing with opioid disorder and we need to take extra steps to manage their care. We also know that there are members of our community and medical professionals in other fields, who want to be able to i...
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Headaches are a common ailment that many in the population feel. Some are caused by dehydration, some are caused by a dip in blood sugar, and some are a sign of your body fighting some illness. Headaches that are a regular part of life for a portion of our communities need the help of pain relief from our team at Republic. We have solutions, including the SPG Nerve Block.
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Republic Pain Specialists sees pain of all types. Location, cause, magnitude, and duration are all factors that make every person’s pain a unique combination to them. Acute and Chronic pain are words we use quite a bit, but what are the differences between the two? Do those differences impact the type of care and treatment you receive? Either way, our patients want answers and the chance to get back to their everyday lives. And we want to provide that for them.
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Our team at Republic is in the business of relieving pain. We want to understand your pain, find the source, both physically and why it’s occurring, and work with you to find a plan to relieve that pain. No pain treatment will work the same for every person, if it did, our jobs would be easier. One of the treatments we use are blocks which even vary in how they are done and what pain relief they can provide. The Stellate Ganglion block is one of those at our disposal.
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As our team at Republic Pain Specialists discuss pain, the source of it, the magnitude of it, and the treatment of it, we collect information about how unique it is to every patient out there. With our understanding of how truly unique pain is to every single person, we firmly believe that every single treatment plan should be specifically tailored to meet that patient’s needs. Additionally, because there are a number of ways pain impacts your life, both mentally and physically, and a number of...
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Republic Pain Specialists are proud of our multimodal response to the pain our clients experience. The pain, in magnitude and cause, differs widely from person to person and the spectrum is vast. We wouldn’t be doing our community a service if we treated everyone’s pain exactly the same. In regards to nerve blocks, we have the experience, the training, and the expertise needed to know when to recommend their use, how to proceed, and what pain relief should look like.
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Location. Duration. Intensity. Cause. All characteristics which define your pain. When pain can feel and be different for every single person, the treatment of our patients has to be unique. For these reasons, Republic Pain Specialists offer a number of services to care for the wide range of pain in our patients. A patient typically does not need every single one of our services, but we often use a treatment plan that encompasses several avenues.
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As hard as it may be to remember, pain can have a purpose. Sudden, onset pain can be your body’s way of shouting, “Hey, we don’t like that position, you might get hurt!” Pain can be a reminder of your body’s need to heal. Pain can also be an indicator there is something wrong and your body needs help to repair and restore back to normal function. Whatever the case may be, when pain lasts longer than an injury may take to heal, your body is facing chronic pain and may need our help.
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